Thursday, February 19, 2009

Online Graphics (Kids Zone)

The graph creator on Kids Zone is an excellent way to quickly create an informational visual aid. I don't use graphs very much in my field of teaching, but if I ever needed to this is definitely where I would turn to.
The first part of this assignment was to quickly research and evaluate the NAEP mathmatics test results for 4th graders in WV and Nation wide. We were to compare the averages from the year 2000 through 2007. The results didn't really surprise me, although the one thing that I must say for WV is that in almost every instance our scores did increase... and they NEVER decreased... which I think is a small victory for us. At least we're making progress.
Here is the graph showing the data results:
The second graph that we needed to create was one about WV's number of students with IEP's versus other low income states. I viewed this information and determined the best way to create a graph showing this data was to show the percentage of each state, because WV has a much lower population that the other states, and the information related to the exact number of students appeared to be misleading. I again was not surprised by this information. It seems that we as educators are constantly jumping through hoops to meet the needs of MANY students with IEP's. I was, however, shocked to see just how large the percentage of students with IEP's was in comparison to other low income states.
Here is the graph showing the data results:
The sources used to gather the information needed to create these graphs are as follows:
The Kids Zone graph creator used is :

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