Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Movie Maker

I love Movie Maker! It is such a great program. I use it to teach my 8th graders about current trends in art, which are very technology driven. Specifically, I talk about the work of Bill Viola. He is a brilliant "media" artist whose work is meant to create strong feelings within the viewers. I learned how to use movie maker during a summer technology class that I was taking. I have done the movie maker project with my 8th graders since then. It is amazing what the students create. This is my example project that I only had one hour to create during that summer class. I show it to the students as an example of how to create their movies. Also, I have included a few example projects created by students. Also, to meet the requirement for this project I found a powerpoint online for an artist that I am introducing, and followed the steps to turn it into my powerpoint movie. It was very easy!

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